Mercy Kill is set over thirty years after the previous books and features both new and returning characters.

It tells of a New Republic mission to the neutral world of Adumar to negotiate its entry into the New Republic. Starfighters of Adumar has an entirely self-contained plot. Unlike the previous books in the series, it has many connections with the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic series and serves as an informal epilogue to some of the plot from that series. Isard's Revenge overlaps with the end of The Last Command and recounts the conflict between the New Republic and Ciutric Hegemony. The next three books all serve as standalone stories. The events of this trilogy lead directly into The Courtship of Princess Leia. The following three books by Aaron Allston relate the New Republic's campaign against the Imperial warlord Zsinj. Stackpole relate the events of the New Republic strike to retake the Imperial capital of Coruscant, and the machinations of Ysanne Isard to bring about the New Republic's defeat. The Star Wars: X-Wing series was envisioned as " Star Wars meets Top Gun." The first four books by Michael A.

X-Wing: Wraith Squadron ( February 2, 1998).X-Wing: The Bacta War (January 1, 1997).X-Wing: The Krytos Trap ( September 1, 1996).X-Wing: Rogue Squadron ( January 1, 1996).