Suddenly, an image of something different appears in both their minds and they decide they must rent it it and get away. One day, while in London doing their shopping, they meet at their women's club and happen to see an ad in The Times for a villa in Tuscany for rent in the month of April. Lottie is oppressed by her penny pinching husband, and Rose is totally ignored by her bon vivant writer spouse.

Lottie Wilkins and Rose Arbuthnot are two rather depressed suburban housewives living in Hampstead. This is a perfectly enchanting book about a month spent in an enchanting place. I want all year.” - Smart Bitches, Trashy Books Read more An April does not satisfy my greedy heart. how exquisitely men and women get upon each other’s nerves and how they suffer from each other’s egos.” - National Review “n expression of the propensity of people to be blind to the real secret of happiness, and . . . “ restful, funny, sumptuous, and invigorating vacation for the mind and soul.” - 500 Great Books by Women With this bracing element there is additionally what can only be called a feast of flowers, hanging from every wall and pouring scent over the company.” - The Times Literary Supplement “ The Enchanted April sounds as if it would be an appallingly cloying cream puff of a fairy tale, but that would be to ignore that the author habitually kept a pot of lemon juice mixed with vinegar beside her ink-pot.

A peaceful holiday is all the ladies are expecting, but the sunny warmth of the Italian spring is about to change their lives . . . Addressed “To Those Who Appreciate Wistaria and Sunshine,” it offers the opportunity to rent a fully-furnished medieval Italian castle in Portofino along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea for the month of April-servants included.

Four ladies, whose only common trait is dissatisfaction with life, answer an ad placed in the advice column of The Times. It begins on a rainy London afternoon in February. A charming Italian castle holds the key to happiness for four English women in this classic by the author of Elizabeth and Her German Garden.